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Restore a woman's life today

Your charitable giving will help restore the life of a woman after the trauma, pain and shame of a horrific childbirth injury, obstetric fistula.

We're determined to stop women's unnecessary suffering and continue Dr Catherine Hamlin's humanitarianism, dedication and compassion for every woman. 

Your tax-deductible donation will restore the health, dignity and independence of Ethiopia's most vulnerable women:

  • $45 will begin a woman's healing journey with a beautiful Comfort Package when she arrives at hospital
  • $250 will go towards patient identification and outreach, to find women hidden away with untreated fistula injuries
  • $1,000 covers the cost of standard fistula surgery for a woman
  • $2,700 covers the cost of complex fistula surgery for a woman

Please give generously today. Together, we are one step closer to achieving Dr Catherine Hamlin's vision of a fistula-free Ethiopia. 

Donate in the USA
Donate in Canada

Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundationβ€―and Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia are fiscally sponsored in the US and Canada to ensure tax deductibility of your full charitable contribution.

Alternative ways to give

Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation is fiscally sponsored in the USA by Myriad USA (formerly King Baudouin Foundation United States - KBFUS) (EIN582277856)

Gifts by check

Write your check to Myriad USA, write "Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation Friends Fund" in the memo section of the check, and send it to Myriad USA, 551 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2400, New York, NY 10176.

Gifts by wire

Transfer or to contribute other types of property: Email Myriad USA at: [email protected] or phone (212) 713 7660.

Donor Advised Funds (DAFs)

You can designate Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation as a beneficiary for your donor-advised fund (DAF). A DAF allows you to give cash, stock, and other assets and you will receive a tax deduction when the contribution is made.

How it works:

  • Request a grant distribution through your DAF sponsor.
  • Share that the Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation is a Friends Fund held by Myriad USA (formerly King Baudouin Foundation United States - KBFUS) (EIN 58-2277856). As a fiscally-sponsored Friends Fund, the grant will be made to Myriad USA with a designation allocating it to the Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation Fund.

You will receive a receipt from Myriad USA and a letter of thanks from Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation.

Monthly Donations

You can make regular monthly donations to Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation and help us find, heal and empower women every day. Joining our community of Hamlin monthly givers is one of the most impactful ways you can help women in Ethiopia. Through monthly charitable giving, your support will allow us to plan ahead and deliver the best care and support we can for women with fistula injuries. 

The easiest way to sign up is via our online donation form. Simply confirm your location and click on the donate button and follow the prompts to set up monthly donations. 

A Gift in your Will

By naming 'Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation Fund' in your Will, you’re making a significant contribution to the prevention and treatment of devastating childbirth injuries in Ethiopia. A planned gift is an easy and thoughtful way to leave a lasting tribute to a wonderful cause.

You can bequeath a specific dollar amount, property to be sold, or a percentage of your residual estate. Your estate will receive an estate tax charitable deduction for the amount of the gift.

Myriad USA can provide you with sample language to include in your last will and testament to make a charitable bequest to your existing legacy fund, or to establish a new legacy fund at Myriad USA.

If you are based in the US or Canada and are interested in leaving a bequest to Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation or would like more information, please email [email protected]. Please also email us If you have already named Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation Fund in your Will. By letting us know, we can thank you, record your planned gift and ensure you receive regular updates about the programs your gift will support.

Fundraise for Hamlin

It’s easy and fun to do charity fundraising for Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation. Whether you hold a bake sale, do a walk-a-thon or simply ask for donations in lieu of birthday gifts, there are so many ways you can make an impact and empower women.

Get your charity fundraising started online today with 3 easy steps:

  1. Create your fundraiser
  2. Spread the word
  3. Reach your goal
Start a Fundraiser

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All rights reserved 2024 Catherine Hamlin Foundation (R) (ABN58159647499)
Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation is fiscally sponsored by Myriad USA (formerly King Baudouin Foundation United States - KBFUS) (EIN582277856) and Myriad Canada (RCO769784893RR0001)

Photography credits to Cameron Bloom, Nigel Brennan, Mary F. Calvert, Kate Geraghty, Amber Hooper, Joni Kabana, Johannes Remling and Martha Tadesse.

Patient names have been changed to protect the identities of those we help.