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September 16, 2020
Preventative Measures in Unprecedented Times

Hamlin hospitals All patients arriving at Hamlin’s Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital are assessed and monitored for COVID-19. A building, separate from the main hospital, has been set up for patients to stay while this takes place. If no symptoms are detected, their fistula assessment and treatment is scheduled. If patients have symptoms, they will be […]

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September 16, 2020
Leaving a Meaningful, Lasting Legacy

Leaving a meaningful, lasting legacy. Since the beginning, a movement of generous people have supported Drs Catherine and Reg Hamlin’s dream to eradicate obstetric fistula. Whether it’s leaving a gift in your will or fundraising in a creative way, because of YOU more Ethiopian women are getting the maternal health care they deserve. Barb, a […]

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September 16, 2020
Studying Midwifery During a Pandemic

Studying Midwifery during a pandemic. Like millions of students around the globe, Rahmet’s studies have looked a little different this year; through emails, online discussion boards, and phone calls, the third year midwifery student has been continuing her studies from home during a nation-wide lockdown. The new normal In March, following the announcement of the […]

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September 16, 2020
Maternal Health and COVID-19

Maternal health and COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has placed extraordinary strain on health systems across the globe and disrupted essential maternal services. For too many women, access to potential life saving perinatal and postnatal care is a challenge as countries redirect health resources to tackle COVID-19. The impact of COVID-19 on maternal health The impact […]

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August 10, 2020
Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Thanks to You

Your regular support changes lives Sustainable Development Goals. Obstetric fistula changes the lives of the women who live with it. Grief, loneliness, confusion, isolation; a life of needless suffering that leaves women with emotional and physical scars.   By eradicating fistula, through treatment and prevention, we will move towards a fairer and more just world for […]

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July 17, 2020
As a Health Care Worker, Woman and Mother…

Hamlin regular giver Maggie Robin supports the work of Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia, here’s why… I first heard about Dr Catherine Hamlin many years ago from my Godmother. She had seen Dr Hamlin speak in person and was inspired to donate to the foundation. Some years later while training as a doctor in women’s health I learned more […]

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July 17, 2020
Thank You to Our Monthly Givers, You Are Amazing!

monthly - you are helping to change lives every day. Your monthly donations provide Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia with a reliable and sustainable income which helps us plan well into the future - that means the world to us. You are part of a committed community of people who are determined to eradicate obstetric fistula. Forever. Your support […]

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July 17, 2020
Reaching Every Woman With Fistula

Reaching Every Woman With Fistula. For too many women in Ethiopia, their poverty and geographic isolation increase the likelihood of them suffering an obstetric fistula injury. Geographic remoteness is a barrier to the care that fistula patients need, causing thousands of women to needlessly suffer the pain and trauma of fistula for years before they receive treatment.  […]

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All rights reserved 2024 Catherine Hamlin Foundation (R) (ABN58159647499)
Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation is fiscally sponsored by Myriad USA (formerly King Baudouin Foundation United States - KBFUS) (EIN582277856) and Myriad Canada (RCO769784893RR0001)

Photography credits to Cameron Bloom, Nigel Brennan, Mary F. Calvert, Kate Geraghty, Amber Hooper, Joni Kabana, Johannes Remling and Martha Tadesse.

Patient names have been changed to protect the identities of those we help.